Members of District 7090 Polio Steering Committee visited a new site for our USA annual District Polio Fundraiser. Frank Adamson (Fonthill Club), James Jones (Kenmore Club), Sherry Miller (Grand Island Club) and not shown, Tommy Gerbasi (Lewiston-NOTL club) planned locations for Tent, starting point and milestones to denote along the West River Trail on Grand Island. This is the loc
ation for the 2024 Participate to End Polio on the USA side of the Niagara River. Canada will be holding their event, Dr. Ron Mergl Memorial Participate for Polio, on the same day.

Rotarians at clubs in District 7090 will participate and request donations to support the ending of Polio around the world.
USA - Participate to End Polio, September 21st Participant / Donation Site -
Canada - 5th Annual Dr. Ron Mergl Participate for Polio September 21st Participant / Donation Site -

#endpolio, #peopleofaction, #polioplus