Youth Service Clubs growing on Grand Island
G I Rotary now has youth service clubs at 4 Grand Island schools: Interact Clubs at the High School and Connor Middle School, plus EarlyAct Clubs at both Keigebein and Huth Elementary Schools. All of these combine fun and socializing with service projects - collecting book bags for Guatemala, putting 'Sticker-Shock' stickers on beer cases at the super market to combat underage drinking, Adopt-A-Hiway cleanup along Beaver Island Parkway. These and many other activities in this school year were wrapped up with a celebration early in May as Rotary District Governor, Marlee Diehl from Albion joined us and the students, to present the Middle School Interact Club with its charter. Service is the core of these Clubs, but fun must be part also, so the year-end celebration included pizza and Balloon Man, Fred Farnham from Welland Rotary! Service, with a good helping of fun, gives the youth a great start in developing habits of service in later life, thus making for a rewarding life and a useful Citizen.