Posted by Michael W. Heigel on Jan 08, 2018
Meat Raffle for Fun and School Success!
On Saturday, Mar. 3, Grand Island Rotary will host a Meat Raffle, primarily to support Growing Readers, a G I school program to develop literacy among Grand Island youth. While patrons are having a fun evening: wildly bidding and taking chances of excellent meat packages, they will also be supporting a program to buy ‘Read-to-Me’ books and have local pediatricians give them to new parents, encouraging them to read to their toddlers and youth. The program has been shown to really make youth interested in reading themselves, giving a proper start toward school. A FUN time, great EATING after, and a worthy LITERACY project gets support! Tickets are $10, giving you beer/wine/pop – bring a cooler and some $1 bills to the K of C Hall, Whitehaven Rd. Grand Island; when you leave you will have great eating awaiting you, and you will know you have helped Growing Readers become good students. Call (716) 773-6020 or Email: for tickets or information.